Drama & Movement Therapy

About Dramatherapy

Dramatherapy is a form of psychotherapy which focuses on using exercises derived from Drama and Theatre which are rationalised by psychological theories appropriate to the individual. It’s used to support, comfort and heal a person or group of people, and can only be delivered by a qualified, registered practitioner.

In a dramatherapy session, the therapist may draw on mediums such as stories, story making, theatre exercises, images, play, mask work, puppetry and voice to help our clients unconsciously explore and examine relationships, perceptions and experiences that are pertinent to their lives.

Movement therapy is the practise of using movement to explore emotions, images, and to promote psychological and emotional healing through the body.

Together, Drama and Movement Therapy focuses on working with the healthy parts of an individual in order for them to access inner resources to overcome challenges and negative thoughts and behaviour.

The mediums derived from drama and theatre practices provide invaluable distancing and containment (tailored to specific needs), to allow the client to feel supported and safe; this can be particularly beneficial for people who do not know or do not want to explicitly explore their reasons for seeking therapy, for any reason.

Practice & Values

My practice is based on ‘humanistic’ psychotherapy models, which involves viewing each client as a unique individual and working with the whole person in mind. It also means tailoring the therapy to fit their uniques needs in the present moment, rather than expecting the individual to fit the therapy. It is my belief that great therapeutic value can be achieved by promoting a safe, supportive space to explore difficult feelings, and by facilitating and creating a trusting therapeutic relationship.

I work extensively with how an individual perceives themselves, and find importance in understanding their experiences from their point of view. This person-centred approach aids people in feeling accepted, and helps them better understand their own feelings.

By integrating these models of therapy with the development of healthy inner resources, the ultimate aim is to help the client reconnect, grow and heal through the use of creative mediums. Developing and utilising the client’s inner values and self-worth can enable a person to trust that together, therapist and client can find the most effective ways for them to heal and move forward in their lives.
